Friday, January 20, 2012

A little simplicity and A Whole Lot of Love

    Laying in bed tonight just thinking about life and how it ever became so confusing. This week has been full of changes and eye openers for me. First of all, I started taking this amazing Yoga class this week. Not only has this class been challenging for me in the aspect that I am fairly new to Yoga but we (roomie and I) have been taking a variety of different classes, some are more focused on cardio and strength training and boy is it one heck of a workout. Obviously there are the more relaxed classes as well that are focused around flexibilty and stretching, and I feel like it was in this stressfree environment this evening where I started to realize what life has become. Life these days is all about technology and immediate communication. Phones are constantly attached to our bodies, facebook updates every hour so that people can know when we ate and what exactly we had, email, etc, etc. I remember back when I could care less if I ever had a phone around me. I never had internet or a computer growing up and life was so simple. That is back when we actually spent time with the people we were with. I never use to have dinner with friends where I was distracted because of my texting the whole time, or never sat with family always checking my facebook on my phone in case there was an important status update. But I, just like a majority of the world, am guilty of this now. It is so sad how much we let technology run our lives and how our relationships with friends and family suffer because of it. We all just need to take a step back from this and put our phones down and actually spend some quality time with people, trust me it is so worth it! From now on, I am hitting the brakes and changing how I let this affect me. My phone is not going to be attached to me and when I am with friends, I may just shut it off! Why not! Life is too short to waste it sending a message to someone when you could be loving just living in the moment!!
   I also realized this week that my focus in life has gotten way off track. I was worried about things that should not even be an issue in my life at this point in time. Right now the only things that should matter to me are as follow:
1.) Focusing on my last month of my internship and starting off my beautiful career. I am going to strive to find a wonderful job and am going to work my butt off when I find it. ,
2.)Working out not only for the healthy aspect but I have goals, April is right around the corner and I never give up on my dreams.
3.) Spending any free time I am able to with my family and close friends. Time goes by so fast so cherish the time you do get to spend with these people and make sure you tell them you love them:)
4.) Church....enough said
5.) Just doing what I want in life that makes me happy....I am going to go out dancing on the weekends with my girls, and I am going to go on random road trips with my roomie, and I am going to snuggle my nieces like they are my own babies, and I am going to live like there may not be a tomorrow but that's ok because whatever I am doing in this exact moment is putting this smile on my face. No regrets!
   These are the important things in my life right now and everything else will eventually fall into place! Life is confusing and it is supposed to be that way but just remember everyone is just as confused as you are:) You just need to laugh through the confusion because eventually everything will be exactly the way it's supposed to be! So from now on, spend "time" with the people who matter most. Put the phone down, facebook can wait, just add a bit of simplicity to things because your life is happening right not let it pass you by:)

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